Monday, 3 April 2017

The secret of living in Contentment


LUKE 12:13-31

Lots of people lose their health trying to become wealthy and later lose their wealth trying to get their health, as a child of God, you must avoid this demonic trap. Heaven is today trying to draw your attention to the power and secret of contentment. Life is an eternal struggle. It is good to have money and the things money can buy, but it is better to regularly make sure that you do not lose the things money cannot buy.
Money is a universal provider of everything except happiness. Be reminded again that money can buy mansion but not peace and security. Money can buy a bed but not sleep. It can also buy delicious foods but not appetite- there are thousands of rich people who are in hospitals but cannot eat. Money can buy medicine but not healing, remember doctors die too.

Pursue contentment at all levels. Learn never to pursue money to the detriment of your daily quiet time, your weekly local church fellowships or your Christian integrity. Luke 12:15 says that “take heed and beware for a man’s life does not consist the abundance of the things which he possesses.”

Did you get that? Contentment is when your earning power equals your yearning power. When you can think of your yesterday without regrets and tomorrow without fear or anxiety, then you are near real contentment. Enjoy what you have and refuse to worry about what you don’t have.

John ray did say, “diseases are the prices we pay on uncontrolled pleasures.” This shouldn’t be your portion this year in the name of Jesus, Amen. Dwell in contentment for as long as there is life, there is hope. Godliness with contentment is a secret of successful people. Seek it every day of your life.

Do not forget to look up to Jesus, for the fulfilment of our daily desires

Thank God for your glorious future. Paralyse all demonic forces working against your career.  

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